"Be careful when someone offers you an olive branch as it just may be a poison arrow."
~ CFP50 - Pogo Profile Favorite Saying

  • I found out I had breast cancer in June, 2014
  • With a changed perspective on life, I reached out to CFP and EE to call a truce
  • The olive branch I offered was accepted, but only as a cover for a future attack on me
  • Things I told CFP and EE in confidence were twisted into a vicious character
    assassination meant to discredit and destroy me.

In June of 2014, I found out I had breast cancer. A mammogram revealed a 2.6-cm category 5 lesion that on biopsy was positive for invasive ductal cancer. It was both a shock and a surprise...there's no history of cancer in my family and I had never given cancer much thought. In fact, this was my first mammogram ever.

As with most cancer victims, my perspective on life changed completely, overnight. Suddenly all the feuding and bashing in the Pukes room  seemed so petty and pointless. For a long time I had been tired of the accusations, fighting, backstabbing and bash fests in the Pukes room, and so tired of blogging about it. Now I knew I wanted to end my part in it.

I decided to extend an olive branch to the trolls and make amends with any that were willing. One day I went into the Pukes room and asked prime blog targets CFP50 and EEstz for a peace treaty. While EEstz was hesitant, CFP50 seemed more than eager to call a truce, so we did. EE eventually agreed to the truce also. We began having friendly convos in chat and even talked to each other on the phone. I added CFP to my Yahoo Messenger (again) and we did a lot of chatting there. (I saved many of those chats in Y! Messenger's conversation history, btw.)

You might wonder why I was so foolish as to tell CFP about the breast cancer. Well, I so needed to tell someone and I wasn't ready to tell family or friends - I needed time to prepare for that. I actually told another Puker first, someone I had talked to on the phone a few times, and she was very sympathetic. It was such a relief to tell someone! I should have left it at that and not told CFP, but CFP and I were chatting regularly on Yahoo at the time and CFP can come across as such a sweet and likeable person. CFP most definitely has the gift of gab.

I sent CFP a couple of pics of my bald head and then the new hair coming in. I took the first pics on a cheap Walmart cell phone that takes really crummy photos, so they came out crappy. I took a 'new hair' pic with the camera though, and that one came out much better. (Later CFP claimed the pics were fake and I had found them on the internet.)

October 17, 2014
Cell phone photo

December 27, 2014
Cell phone photo

January 18, 2015
Camera photo

Oh look, it's the calendar you see
in the hair pic above!

As for our Yahoo chats, after about 3 weeks into it I began to notice a change in CFP's general attitude toward me. She was becoming stiff and reserved, often sarcastic, and impatient to cut our chat short. Gone was the friendly banter and breezy chitchat. Several times I asked her what was wrong and she always gave me some excuse about not feeling well or having some place to go. Our relationship had clearly and mysteriously deteriorated.

Then, BAM! I got a yahoo message from a friend that explained everything: CFP and EE were telling people that I was faking the cancer, I was using it as a ploy to get attention and win people over via pity and sympathy. I was stunned! WHY WERE THEY DOING THIS? CFP, EE and I had some battle royals in the past, but nothing that would justify a horrific retaliation like this. I had clearly been set up and punked in the worst way, no doubt their plan from the moment we made our "truce".

Yes, I know I posted their photos on the blog, something I rarely do, and only of the very worst of the Pukes trolls (Pristy was one). No big deal anyway, because CFP and EE have made their photos available on Facebook and have sent them to friends via email. A few pics of CFP (including the one I posted on the blog) had long ago made the rounds several times, thanks to CFP's ex and a handful of her enemies. Everybody who ever hung out in the Pukes room while Owen was still around has a those pics of CFP.

Having cancer is such a traumatic experience, and to have someone claiming to be your friend use it against you as part of some malicious scheme to ruin your reputation, and for personal gain, is beyond horrific; it is demented and evil and reveals a black-hearted monster whose soul belongs to the Devil himself.

May God have mercy on CFP and EE, and their friends who so eagerly supported the lie. I wonder how any of them actually expect to find a place in Heaven when their time comes. They will certainly not be able to claim a seat beside the Throne; more likely they will end up peeling potatoes and cleaning toilets for eternity.

Now I am going to post some documents related to my cancer diagnosis treatments. Anyone who, after seeing these, still chooses to claim my cancer was faked will be proving to everyone else that loyalty to the troll gang and its leader is more important than honesty, decency and self-respect. You know who you are, eh wanda and faith? Take a real good look at yourself, the way others see you. Like what you see?

CFP50 is OF COURSE going to call all these documents forgeries. 

Call any number on those documents, report the page they're posted on...if they are forged, I will be charged with a felony...google it. Just saying you called when you really didn't will not advance CFP's claims, because if you say you called, then nothing happens to me, it automatically says the medical source looked and found no forgeries or alterations and the docs are real.

Remember, you are NOT calling and asking anyone for my medical records, you are merely calling to report posted medical records you think might be forged or altered. Just give them the link to this page and that's it. Simple!